from 'de/compositions'


                       for what we may be
                                                      the left from a future torched,
                       working to deeper life
                                                         , we: lost girls, broken femmes / deviant
                                                         aching spines & flesh,
                       built on the shuttered mouths of rape apologists
                       , vibrantly storms but does not just march, all
                                                                             fed, a collective support
                                                                             of all possible skins / builds  
                                                                             conceptions & homelines to [ [
                                               undercommon post
                                       -poning the fresh govern
                      -ance of recognition / siren clawing
                 up the street, teaches an ftp through all
                              action,, feels beyond the future
                                                                             ruling fascists store for us / eyes
                                                                             closed on its corpses / present
                              in tonight’s dreams, the dead left
                              do not want us to love as much as this
                                         , we:  anxious girls, slept debt,
                                         certain siblings, on call to the street
                                         , bandagers, we gossiped / kissed through our repressions abet
                                         vicious nights, an urgent existence fleets
                                         into & out of these burning days


                                                                              of how we might be living tonight. in
                                                                              -hibition of possible hours, move
                                                                              ments, purged actualities,
                                                                                                 the era closed
                                                                                                 , bitter grievance
                                                           that calls itself a norm ::

                        gradients & the system
                                                           atic regulations of senses / de-
                                                           regulated wires & debtchains / the systematic
                                      slaughter of those invoked in the ink on your skin / girls
                                      who flamed social revolution,          . red

                                                history of poetry we warmed bones / decade on
                                                , the decline of all winters for its remainder were sick
                                                the warmest month our blood vessels on record again our skel
                                                -ter ‘mones & chemicals
                                                we lived this to the fabric

             . a full week since white fascists stormed democracy five
             months of theresa ,& the new defence regime scripted
             already in royal / flooding the eco
             metropolis & circulate [| draining
             our possible friends.
                                                           ripped language neighbourhood / we
                                                           never lived a realm of safety / they come
                                                           for our skirts & eyeliner repelled
                           by the glamour of our flesh / weaponise your heels
                           as the senses we live by. you
                                                      are so brilliant & vicious, all of you
                                                       , what we try to hold through timezones
                                                      / against the fascists from the danube to the
                                                      pacific to the latest belt of radiation. clutch off
                                                      & denigrate all nations

                                                          & their fables out of our skins

                                                                                                            [november 2016]

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