from '[of sirens / body & faultlines]'

                          step circ-
                          dictation of the working day kept / split on &
                                                                                                 shoot extensors
                                                    – separation of rational spec-
                                                    ulate or / yur life / keeps the riot
                                                                        vans trafficking new cross road 9.25am concretion
                                                                        / lots greater waiting for
                                                                        crane than
                                                                                        proximal to us current the
                                                                        being-price systemic our complaint
                                                                        sound homes broke / we meet here remains
                                                                        the same except in inflictions
                                      securitised && trampled in
                                                          from the
                                                                        shard / strategy ::

                                                                                of the act & banner
                                                                                   keeping the cop pay
                                                                                   teriorate /
                                                         executes in situ
                                  design address \\ skulks
                                                          \ by the baton &
                                  §35 cranes / impositions,, in
disperse &
                                                          blood turns to thamescolony
                                  precipice liveable
trust tells
                                                             in his wisdom
cop dogs &
                                                             butchers / abrase state decline
                                                             to mute health / throat criminality
                                                                our painkillers kick in

[19th February 2015, nr. the Aylesbury, in solidarity]

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