from '[of sirens / body & faultlines]'

                   our archives of health, abstraction
                   & belonging / precarity, sirens
                   of work & body & home
                                                          // consider the boss as virus attached
                                                          tissue / muscle, our agony
                                                                                                   growth of the
                                                 city, sprouts & off ‘natural’ until
                                                 collapse, where we
                                                                              organs hollow left
                                                            heat w/out clambering
                                                            ingredients f’ each hour had
                           built 2008 2001 1993
                                                            1986 1973 1929 1907
                           1901 1896-73 1866
                                                        1847 1837 1825 1819
                                                            1796 1772 1720 ,, ventriloquist towns
                                                            of our births, of death finance personified
                                                     , extract suffer
                                                                           /ance & life support / premium
                                                            foodbanks & detentions, border strictures &
                                                            hang of “the law private &
                                                                                                     up close / I
                                                            wanted to […] be a joke”, cracked
                                                            fetish : canary wharf

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