


london letting the neck-breath / splitten
_______________________________w/ drawn light. answers
________________________greensprung, reminiscent in riches
________________________entirely ours in the cusp:
______________________________ give it to balmy, or
_____________________________________________adrenal by synapse

towards public / unused for the discipline absent
_____________________________________________________________ or inaccess

____________lamp nurse in seaward
_____________________________ ambient to curve capital it’s
____________edge raising our closeness as percept
________________________________________ corneal, how no day will stilt;
____________apologies cleanse in fracture, worn
_______________________________________outward from pivot glimmer
____________to venture:
________________________relinquish sepulchral
________________________“that love may
___________________________________ live" past braver & depreciate our I’s sparsely ;

___________________________________ era particular / embracing the waking haze:
___________________________________ spin intonation from its feed, dare
___________________________________ to exhaust, to bring hours’ bliss

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