_________ housing
_________ ______equals art smears__ E9: yards
_________ between decades minimised need you
______________________________________ glance singular the
_________ barbed fence catch 60s plastic
_____________________ ___________ to seal you from potential
_____________________ ___________ damages they thrive
_________ _______________________ local / afford the damp
_________ _______________________ cut high-density.
_________ overcast permanent
_________ this postal code cognition
_________ domesticated: graffiti
__________________________ erasure prior to even opportune
__________________________ only echo of radios or youths
__________________________ in self-parody
__________________________ / an inscript dialect
__________________________ throats empty w/ trade names
________________ _________________________________ & popular tunes
__________________________ the brickwork sublimates:
____________ these source comfs will feed flesh / photoreceptors, impacted
____________ as piecemeal topography the chief
_______________________________________constructors curate
_______________________________________the future-pejorative
____________ to recode the human-spatial
____________ the sense-impart to resident: hi-individual ‘you
____________ may discharge your wearied
____________ thoughts by skyview,’ in
_______________________________nouveau / streetlit monolith
_______________________________/ higher you needn’t
_______________________________prole out resolutions your
_______________________________television source enough
_______________________________alls will is blue / sky.

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